Tuesday, November 25, 2008

[Hot TopiC] Love: EasY oR CompLicAted?

Relationships are never easy. Why? Because finding & keeping the right person can be a constant challenge. Doubt and fear prevent many of us from listening to our hearts. Sometimes we might think of problems which are not there. In another words, creating it or imagine about it and find faults with our partner. And that what makes us unable to love or be loved.

Ego? Many of us allow the ego to get in the way of true love. To Love is like a process which involves:

1.Learning to let go of past hurts and disappointments
2.Accepting and loving yourself
3.Challenging beliefs about who your partner should be and how he or she should act.
Dunno much to say but…

True love is more than attraction, butterflies in the stomach and a racing heart (so call adrenalin Rush).

It is about finding consistency, reassurance and trust in another person. It is normal to feel JeaLoUs. But sometimes things are so unPredictable.. relationships Will onlY remain constant with nourishment and care.

Well, what can i conclude? Basically..understanding each other needsGive and TakeLoYalty.. is the basic things PLUS add the cheerful moment just to keep the SmiLe on Our loved one’s faCe

If you think you have understand about love, No..you don’t. cause nobody understand about love..So do i..It's so mysterious~
So my friends out there, if you think you have found the right ONE, keep him/her closed to you cause there is no other better way to love someone. Don't put lies and cheats in your plays cause you know the rules.
Last but not least "The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time"..enjoy your day guys-Chad-

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